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Indian Head Massage Therapy

Indian Head Massage in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire

An traditional Eastern treatment traditionally used to improve the condition of the hair and skin and provide feelings of serenity , this therapy has been westernised over the years and has become a therapeutic stress relieving treatment, containing movements from massage, shiatsu, reiki and acupressure.

There are different ways it can be carried out - lying on a plinth, seated upright on a chair, seated astride a chair or on an on-site massage chair and usually the back, arms, neck and head are treated.

It has many benefits and is particularly effective as an on-site therapy in the workplace helping improve staff productivity levels.

Benefits of Indian Head Massage:

  • Relieves mental fatigue 
  • Improves concentration
  • Provides clearer thought processes
  • Aids decision making
  • Focuses the mind
  • Improves sleep problems
  • Boosts confidence
  • Creates feelings of wellbeing
  • Relaxes tense muscles
  • Calms the mind

Case Studies from past students have highlighted amazing improvements in sleep patterns - people with long term disturbed, irregular sleep patterns have gone from waking up several times a night to having blocks of sleep lasting several hours at a time.

The other significant factor of working on the scalp directly over the brain has been that those suffering depressive type illnesses have improved feelings of wellbeing and appear more centred due to the relase of 'feel good' endorphins.

Call us on 01563 570308 or e-mail:

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