Thermo Auricular Therapy
Ear Candling in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire
This treatment involves the use of special hollow candles which are lit and inserted into the ear to create a gentle suction, sending tiny vbrations down the candle to gently manipulate the ear canal and tympanic membrane ( ear drum). Any excess pressure within the inner ear can be released, reducing congestion in the nose, sinuses and throat. This induces a feeling of tranquillity, composure, comfort and relief.
Physical Benefits:
Can often help to...
- Reduce a build up of waxmigraines & headaches
- Meniere's disease and balance problems
- Ear pain from flying and diving
- Snoring
- Colds, flu, sore throats and tonsillitis
- Noises in the ear - tinnitus
- Relieve blocked sinuses and release built up pressure
- Increase blod flow to the treated area, promoting healing
Psychological Benefits:
- Relaxing and calming in times of stress
- Aids alertness, concentration and clearer thinking
- Creates a balanced feeling
Both ears are treated in one session and an optional ear/facial massage completes this relaxing treatment