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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Kilmarnock

CBT is a relatively short-term focused psychotherapy for a wide range of psychological problems, including: Depression, anxiety, anger, confidence/self-esteem, fears (phobias), relationship conflict, and substance abuse/dependence.

It is a talking therapy that can help clients manage problems by changing the way they think and behave. CBT cannot remove problems, but it can help deal with them in a more positive way by breaking down overwhelming problems into manageable parts enabling clients to cope on a daily basis.

It is based on the concept that thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected and focuses on how the client is thinking (their cognitions), behaving and communicating today, rather than their childhood experiences.

When the client begins CBT, a self-report form is completed that assesses a range of symptoms and problems.

The purpose of the evaluation is to gather as much information as possible, so that both client and therapist can learn quickly what kind of problems they do (or do not) have and the full extent of these problems.

Sessions last 50 minutes and clients are taught how to use different tools and techniques to challenge their thinking and alter their behaviours to help them move towards their goals.

Rates are means-tested and start from as little as £15.00 per session.

Call us on 01563 570308 or e-mail:

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